40m QRZ Info

Hound info as recorded at QRZ.com. This info was mainly used for deriving hound grid square and plotting the Fox QSO maps. If a call was not found in QRZ.com, it is listed as BUSTED. Name, QTH and Busted Call data is used in the check log script when there was not enough fox log data to support a consensus.

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Follow the links below to view the hound and fox data from my various log parsing scripts:

40m Top Foxes
40m Top Fox Teams
40m Best Fox DX
40m Total Fox DX
40m Busted QSOs
40m Fox Log Accuracy
40m Log Info
40m QRZ Info
40m Top Hounds
40m Best Hound DX
40m Fox QSOs by All Hounds Map
40m Individual Hound Maps
40m Fox QSO Maps Week 01-10
40m Fox QSO Maps Week 11-20
40m Time-lapse Fox QSO Maps Week 01-10
40m Time-lapse Fox QSO Maps Week 11-20
40m QRP Fox Hunt 2008/9 Main Page